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Packing list for a multi-day bike tour


On the body

+ Long jersey / arm warmers
+ pants / leg warmers / knee warmers
+ Windstopper jacket / vest
+ gloves
+ helmet
+ bike shoes
+ socks
+ Sunglasses, preferably self-tinting

+ backpack


+ Long jersey (spare jersey) / arm warmers
+ Long trousers (spare trousers) / knee warmers / leg warmers
+ Windstopper jacket / vest
+ Rain hardshell jacket
+ rain pants
+ Cap / Buff / Headband
+ Long cycling gloves
+ sun cream
+ hydration bladder with at least 1 liter of liquid (depending on the tour)
+ Electrolyte/magnesium tablets (tubes)
+ Energy supply: power gel, muesli, dried fruit, nuts, bars, as required
+ First aid kit M (with rescue blanket)
+ Personal medication
+ Headache tablets

+ Multitool

- Spare inner tube
- hand pump
- repair kit
- Brake pads
- Spare bolts
- Cable ties

- Luster clamp (makeshift for repairing shift cables)

Tools, if not already integrated in the multitool:
- Tire lever
- Chain lock
- Spoke wrench
+ ID, cash, EC card, plastic bag
+ Wash bag (travel shower gel, toothbrush/paste, small functional towel, handkerchiefs, earplugs)

+ Sleeping bag if necessary


+ underpants
+ undershirt
+ Spare socks/shoe liners
+ Light pants
+ Hut shoes
+ T-shirt
+ washing powder
+ Lubricant, adhesive tape
+ pen

+ lighting

Without bike guide
+ Bike guide map
+ compass
+ headlamp
+ shock pump
+ Cell phone with emergency numbers

+ bivy sack

Expert tip

+ seat cream


+ Snack, if no hut is planned along the way
+ Sweater / fleece
+ photo and /bag
+ spare batteries (light, photo etc.)